dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski | In Principle

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dr hab. Marcin Lemkowski

Overwhelming evidence
Poland’s rules of civil procedure require the parties to present all their evidence at the very beginning of the case. This is supposed to expedite the proceedings. But is it counterproductive?
Overwhelming evidence
How long will it take, counsellor?
This is one of the hardest questions for any litigator to answer
How long will it take, counsellor?
Supreme Court hands down three rulings on construction of wind farms on non-owned land
In three recent cases, the Supreme Court of Poland has addressed issues surrounding construction of wind farms on land owned by another party.
Supreme Court hands down three rulings on construction of wind farms on non-owned land
In some situations, a contract may be performed only in part
Strony, zawierając umowę, najczęściej zakładają, że zostanie ona wykonana w całości. Czy jednak w przypadku gdy jedna ze stron zaoferuje jedynie część świadczenia przewidzianego w umowie, to druga strona ma obowiązek je przyjąć?
In some situations, a contract may be performed only in part
Procedure for renouncing a contract may be simplified
The law is fairly rigorous when it comes to the ability to renounce a bilateral contract. A number of conditions must be met for a contract to be effectively renounced. But may the parties to the contract simplify the procedure?
Procedure for renouncing a contract may be simplified
Dr Marcin Lemkowski: The Class Actions Act plays little role in everyday legal practice
An interview with Dr Marcin Lemkowski from the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Practice on why so few class actions have been filed in Poland and whether they will likely become more numerous in the future.
Dr Marcin Lemkowski: The Class Actions Act plays little role in everyday legal practice
Dr Marcin Lemkowski: Under the revised procedure, more things will be left up to the judge
An interview with Dr Marcin Lemkowski from the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Practice at Wardyński & Partners about recent amendments to the Civil Procedure Code
Dr Marcin Lemkowski: Under the revised procedure, more things will be left up to the judge
If you don't go to court, the court may come to you
Failure to appear at a court hearing where testimony will be taken from the parties or witnesses does need not necessarily mean that the hearing will have to be continued to a later date.
If you don't go to court, the court may come to you
Class actions
The Act on Enforcement of Claims in a Group Proceeding went into effect on 19 July 2010. The act introduces the institution of the class action, not previously recognised under Polish law.
Class actions