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When the management board does not function properly
The Commercial Companies Code provides an extensive set of rules governing internal controls in Polish companies, from the general rules for conducting and controlling the company’s affairs by the management board to oversight of the management board’s actions.
When the management board does not function properly
Protection of personal data in internal investigations
Poland’s data protection regulations do not directly address internal investigations, but that does not mean they do not apply. In fact they can play a major role in drawing the line between lawful and unlawful investigative measures.
Protection of personal data in internal investigations
In some industries internal investigations are already standard
Internal investigations are becoming increasingly common, but individuals who face consequences as a result may attempt to undermine the findings or challenge the procedures followed in the investigation — including through seeking the protection of the courts.
In some industries internal investigations are already standard
Specification of the subject of the company’s business in the register
Practical remarks based on the regulations on the National Court Register and the Polish Classification of Activity.
Specification of the subject of the company’s business in the register
More flexibility for firms: January amendments to the Commercial Companies Code and other acts
Some of the provisions amending the Commercial Companies Code and other acts went into force on 15 January 2015, mainly concerning establishing and operation of a business in the form of a registered partnership, a limited partnership or a limited-liability company.
More flexibility for firms: January amendments to the Commercial Companies Code and other acts
No-par shares in limited-liability companies in bill to amend the Commercial Companies Code
The government plans revolutionary changes in the asset structure of limited-liability companies to go into effect 1 January 2015.
No-par shares in limited-liability companies in bill to amend the Commercial Companies Code
The death of a member: Uncertain fate of a registered partnership with heirs involved
When a member of a partnership dies, it can have serious legal consequences for the future existence of the firm. Depending on the type of partnership, the death of a partner may even result in dissolution of the partnership.
The death of a member: Uncertain fate of a registered partnership with heirs involved
Can management board members be appointed retroactively?
If members of the management board are not reappointed for another term, the company does not have a properly constituted representative body. This can affect the validity and effectiveness of actions taken for the company.
Can management board members be appointed retroactively?
Corporate restructuring and creditors’ involvement in debtor’s corporate structure
Participation in the authorities of debtor companies gives creditors a greater assurance that restructuring programmes will be properly implemented, but also entails certain burdens, risks and obligations.
Corporate restructuring and creditors’ involvement in debtor’s corporate structure
It's not just Giesche
The legal status of holders of pre-war bearer stock certificates remains unresolved.
It's not just Giesche
Downstream merger: acquisition of a parent company by a subsidiary
Although it is possible for a limited-liability company to acquire its own parent company, the transaction carries legal risk.
Downstream merger: acquisition of a parent company by a subsidiary
Secured creditor's standing to challenge shareholders' resolution
A creditor who attaches shares in a limited-liability company through execution may apply to set aside a resolution by the shareholders’ meeting.
Secured creditor's standing to challenge shareholders' resolution