creditor protection | In Principle

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creditor protection

Protecting the interests of creditors against dishonest actions by debtors
A creditor affected by asset-stripping by a debtor doesn’t have to remain a passive victim of dishonesty.
Protecting the interests of creditors against dishonest actions by debtors
Offence of fraudulent encumbrance of assets to frustrate satisfaction of creditors
Sham encumbrance of assets to convince third parties of non-existent legal consequences may constitute a crime. Incurring fictitious obligations is an example.
Offence of fraudulent encumbrance of assets to frustrate satisfaction of creditors
Selective payment of creditors can be a crime
Arbitrary, selective payment of only certain debts may result in criminal liability of the debtor, including in a case where it is only threatened with insolvency, if such action exposes other creditors to a loss.
Selective payment of creditors can be a crime
Banks lose privileges
Until now, it has been distinctly easier for banks in Poland to secure and later enforce their receivables than for other creditors. Will a new amendment to the Banking Law change this?
Banks lose privileges
When may a creditor assert a fraudulent conveyance action despite the debtor's entering bankruptcy?
A fraudulent conveyance action protects creditors in the event of the debtor’s insolvency. The ability of specific creditors to use this instrument is limited, however, because of the importance of protecting the interests of all creditors.
When may a creditor assert a fraudulent conveyance action despite the debtor's entering bankruptcy?
The creditor's dilemma: Join forces or go it alone?
When assets are being removed from a debtor threatened with insolvency, the creditors face a choice of seeking to set aside such transactions independently, or filing a bankruptcy petition and relying on the actions of the bankruptcy trustee.
The creditor's dilemma: Join forces or go it alone?
A dishonest party may be required to pay a debt through criminal proceedings
The penal sanction of the duty to redress loss or provide satisfaction for injury, which may be imposed on a dishonest debtor by the criminal court, protects the interests of creditors.
A dishonest party may be required to pay a debt through criminal proceedings
Jan Ciećwierz: I have yet to encounter a situation in which the creditors were without hope
An interview with Jan Ciećwierz, a partner Wardyński & Partners, on how debtors avoid paying their obligations and how the law protects creditors from such actions.
Jan Ciećwierz: I have yet to encounter a situation in which the creditors were without hope
Liability for inherited debts in Polish law
In deciding whether to accept an inheritance, either where there is no will or on the basis of a will, it is worth remembering that a successor who inherits an estate assumes rights, as well as liabilities of a deceased existing at the moment of death.
Liability for inherited debts in Polish law
Seller's representations and warranties
The significance of representations and warranties by the seller in transactions involving the sale of shares
Seller's representations and warranties
Jan Ciećwierz: "Peace through strength" is good business policy
An interview with Jan Ciećwierz, a partner at Wardyński & Partners who co-heads the Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice, about the need to secure trade receivables.
Jan Ciećwierz: "Peace through strength" is good business policy
Sale of real estate under threat of execution
A debtor can be guilty of hindering enforcement of a court order even when the order does not exist yet.
Sale of real estate under threat of execution