What can be appealed to the administrative court? | In Principle

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What can be appealed to the administrative court?

Administrative courts in Poland oversee the activities of public authorities.

The administrative court verifies a decision, order, or the like in terms of its legality—whether the decision of a public authority complies with generally applicable law.

Administrative courts adjudicate complaints concerning:

1.  Administrative decisions (e.g. building permits and environmental permits)

2. Decisions issued in administrative proceedings which can be complained against or which terminate the proceedings, as well as complaints against decisions settling matters on the merits of the case (for example, a decision to suspend construction work)

3.  Decisions issued in enforcement and security proceedings which can be complained against

4.  Acts of the public administration other than those specified in points 1–3 regarding legal rights or obligations

5.  Written interpretations of tax law issued in individual cases by directors of tax chambers

6.  Acts of local law issued by territorial government units (municipal, county or province) and local authorities of the central government

7.  Acts issued by territorial government units and associations thereof other than those referred to in point 6 in matters of public administration

8.  Acts of supervision over the activities of territorial government units

9.  Inaction on the part of the administrative authorities in cases referred to in points 1–5.