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New regulations for small businesses
The Act Amending the Business Freedom Act and Certain Other Acts entered into force on 19 May 2016. The changes mainly affect Poland’s small business register—the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG).
New regulations for small businesses
Public authorities’ liability for damages
The topic of liability for damages on the part of public authorities is not widely known. Many people are not aware of the extensive rights at their disposal connected with actions by bodies of public authority. Consequently, injured parties often fail to pursue redress of losses suffered in connection with public administration.
Public authorities’ liability for damages
The king can do wrong
It used to be accepted that the sovereign is infallible, and questioning the correctness of the sovereign’s decisions was bound to end badly. Today, fortunately for the people, there are instruments for holding the authorities liable for their wrongful acts and omissions.
The king can do wrong
Liability of the State Treasury for injury caused by violation of EU law
It is theoretically possible to pursue damages from the State Treasury for injury caused by violation of EU law, such as non-implementation of directives. But procedural difficulties discourage most litigants from taking this path.
Liability of the State Treasury for injury caused by violation of EU law
Liability of public authorities in the real estate development process
The real estate development business relies on decisions issued by administrative authorities for architectural and construction matters. The development process follows a number of successive phases, and only after positive completion of one phase can the process move on to the next phase.
Liability of public authorities in the real estate development process
Excessive length of proceedings and its consequences
The liability of public authorities for unlawful acts or omissions also extends to delay in the functioning of the courts, infringing the individual’s right to have his case heard without undue delay. A finding of excessive length of proceedings enables a party to pursue redress of the resulting loss through the courts.
Excessive length of proceedings and its consequences
Common Reporting Standard to be implemented in Poland
Poland is introducing regulations implementing a new global standard for automatic exchange of information about tax matters, developed by the OECD.
Common Reporting Standard to be implemented in Poland
Tough luck of the American taxpayer
The amendment to Poland’s Penal Code which entered into force on 15 April 2016 modified the rules concerning liability for perjury. The increased sanctions affect persons making false statements pursuant to requirements arising out of implementation of FATCA rules in Poland.
Tough luck of the American taxpayer
When a beneficiary must step out of the shadows
Introduction of the OECD’s common standard for automatic exchange of financial information, as well as worldwide enforcement of FATCA by the United States, means that structures previously offering confidentiality will now be affected by the mandatory international system of exchange of tax information. This applies in particular to trusts and foundations.
When a beneficiary must step out of the shadows
Uncovering the secrets of tax havens
Work in the OECD to expand the exchange of tax information seeks to bring into the mainstream jurisdictions that have typically been regarded as tax havens or countries applying harmful tax competition.
Uncovering the secrets of tax havens
Automatic exchange of information about employment income, directors’ fees and pensions
Member states of the European Union, following other jurisdictions around the world, are stepping up their work on extending the scope of automatic exchange of tax information, which is regarded as the most effective means of combating tax avoidance.
Automatic exchange of information about employment income, directors’ fees and pensions
Contributions to share capital in foreign currency and foreign exchange differences
With economic globalisation, foreign investors often decide to pay capital contributions to Polish companies in foreign currencies. This raises the question of how to convert these amounts into Polish currency.
Contributions to share capital in foreign currency and foreign exchange differences