A chance for a resurgence of onshore wind power investments in Poland
The long-awaited rules for construction of wind farms have been announced. On 4 May 2021, a bill to amend the Act on Wind Power Plant Projects (aka the “Distance Act” or “10H Act”) was published on the Government Legislation Centre website. Its adoption may once again stimulate the growth of wind power, which not long ago was the most dynamic branch of renewable energy sources in Poland.
Wind turbines: New regulation on the marking of air traffic obstacles
On 11 February 2021, the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 January 2021 on Air Traffic Obstacles, Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and Dangerous Devices came into force. In the method of notification and marking of air traffic obstacles, it replaced the regulation of 25 June 2003. Will wind turbines still need to be marked under the new regulation? If so, who should mark them and how? And, just as importantly, does existing marking need to be brought into compliance with the current regulations, and if so, when?
Clauses restricting competitive activity in agreements with game developers
A game is only as good as its creators. Therefore, it is in the interest of game development companies to keep their staff happy, so they don’t even think about switching to the competition. In addition, however, it is worth taking preventive measures, e.g. including clauses in contracts preventing the poaching of valuable employees and independent contractors.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 4: prospects for the development of the private rented sector in Poland
The programme is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.
Media mergers under the current decisional practice of the Polish competition authority
At the beginning of 2021, Poland’s competition authority issued two decisions regarding concentrations of undertakings in the media market. The first decision by the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) banned Agora SA’s acquisition of control over Eurozet sp. z o.o., while the second allowed PKN Orlen SA to acquire control over Polska Press sp. z o.o. Both decisions are heavily commented on in the media. It is worth looking at them from the point of view of the legal constructions they raise.
Developers Guarantee Fund: More drawbacks than benefits?
Work is underway on a bill called the Act on Protection of the Rights of Acquirers of Residential Units or Single-Family Houses and the Developers Guarantee Fund (print 985). The bill was approved by the Sejm, the Senate adopted amendments, and the bill will now be reconsidered by the Sejm. Entry into force of the new act will impose additional new duties on developers. The aim is to better protect homebuyers against the loss of funds invested in residential developments, particularly when the developer becomes insolvent before the project is completed. Is the new instrument likely to fulfil its intended function?
Game chat crimes: Does the developer have a duty to report them?
Multiplayer games are an increasingly important market segment. All kinds of features allowing players to communicate during gameplay, such as voice communication and text chats, largely account for their popularity. While player interaction is desired by players themselves and game developers, it can involve inappropriate and even unlawful player behaviour. What is the provider of an online game to do in such a situation?
Single-use plastics will disappear, new obligations will be imposed on businesses
Nearly two months ago the Ministry of Climate and Environment published a proposal to implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive ((EU) 2019/904) into Polish law. The amendment is supposed to enter into force no later than 3 July 2021, but it is raising many doubts.
The European patient
The European Union is preparing a shared health data space. It is designed to facilitate treatment for Europeans (within the EU) and to consolidate a high standard of medical products and services across all member states. It is also a method for meeting European aspirations for patients’ rights and ensuring more effective treatment and research.
Tales from the National Appeal Chamber: The specialised nature of medical procurements justifies tougher conditions for participating in tenders
When establishing the conditions for participating in a contract award procedure, contracting authorities often face the dilemma of how to reflect the specific subject matter of the procurement without infringing the principle of proportionality. This task is even harder when the procurement involves specialised medical equipment, where improper servicing could put patients’ life or health at risk. Do such circumstances justify limiting the number of bidders seeking a contract? Yes, the National Appeal Chamber held in its ruling of 29 January 2021 (case no. KIO 3489/20).
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 3: Changes in the Public Procurement Law
The programme is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.
How to protect against game clones?
In our series we have addressed the issue of protecting a video game against cloning in the context of lack of legal protection for an idea for a game. In this article, we will take a broader look at this problem.